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Sabertooth Cats, Cougars, and More
Australia’s Ancient and Modern Marsupials
Journey & Mentors
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Advocating for Sound Science
To The Point
Academic Freedom versus Science, Hosted by Warren Olney on April 10, 2012. Guests include Larisa DeSantis, David Fowler, Edward Larson, and Josh Rosenau.
Examples of News Media
Expert Quotes (Commentary on other Studies)
Interested in an expert quote?
"Bone-Crushing" Dogs Left Evidence in Their Poop
Scientific America
This Saber-Toothed Cat Mingled with Modern Humans
National Geographic
Why is Australia so weird?
Red Orbit
News Media Featuring our Research
Only one example is listed per study (not comprehensive)
Not all saber-toothed animals were predators, fossils reveal
National Geographic
How a Saber-Tooth Marsupial Blinded Us With Its Bite
New York Times
Un mamífero inesperado arroja datos sorprendentes sobre la vida de nuestros ancestros
RPP Noticias (via Europa Press)
At the Ice Age Salad Bar
Scientific American
Black Gold
The Economist
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